Monday, June 8, 2009

Disappearance Factor

It's difficult for me not to disappear when I'm at the Family Estate. I quickly get lulled into this sense of having "lots of time" to do things, to the point that I only actually do things when I can convince myself that I only have a few hours. I've had some more adventures.. I want to do an entry on my various travels within the state of Georgia, for one. I'll try to get to this before I head down to Valdosta, but can make no promises, as my "lots of time" feeling has also affected how much or how little I've really prepared my hall decorations and packing.

Speaking of GHP-- there's a pretty strict policy regarding blogs and internet content dealing with the program. For this reason, rather than stop writing, my usual MO is to just take my blogging underground. I'll probably continue to use this blog, but restrict readership. This means you'll have to submit a request for me to allow you to continue reading, at least for the duration of the summer. No worries! I just basically can't have it out there in the public eye where someone will see my candid report of my personal shenanegans and call the governor on me. Because, as we know, I'm pretty irresponsible. (/sarcasm)

I'm also really behind in my google reader and other things at which I suppose I'll play catch-up on my first floor duty, or something.

I'll have six days between the end of GHP and taking off for Japan. I envision those days as super hectic, a near-week in which I will have NO TIME for ANYTHING.. so I'm preparing like that, althuogh I will probably have to have or make time for something.

I kind of suck at packing..

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