Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Someone just sent this lovely article to my summer-job listserv. Mosquitoes, loathed by me anyway, are overrunning the town where I'll be spending six weeks this hot-season. Time to buy that serious bug spray, the kind you can't use on babies or the elderly.

But it's alright.. because between this, other strange events, and OMG-Swine-Flu, I think the world is on schedule to end in 2012 like it's supposed to. If I survive, Georgia will be the place to be (I'm going to visit those standing stones while I'm in GA in a couple weeks).

I'm feeling that frazzled semi-world's-end feeling I get when I have to leave any place for some great length of time. Yes I want to go to Georgia. Yes I want to go to Japan. Why do I have to leave Kansas to do so?

Tonight is my last night of teaching GRE prep downtown. After that, I'm officially obligation-free. I'd pushed my official departure date to next week, because I thought it would "make more sense" to drive to Vandy's graduation from here than to drive to Belmont's from there. If you do the math, it actually makes the opposite of sense. I am starting to feel like I'm cheating myself of my last weekend in Kansas; most of the people I want to see will still be there next weekend when I am also in Nashville for Belmont's graduation/on my way to Georgia. I am not sure I'd even go, this weekend, if it weren't for my roommate who's kind of counting on it. I owe him more than that.

So, it's the end of this world. And yeah, yeah, whatever.. the beginning of the next. But I was never good at leaving any place, even for someplace better.


  1. Butterflies weren't meant to light on anything for very long...

  2. this is the way the world ends
    this is the way the world ends
    this is the way the world ends
    not with a bang but a whimper.
