Saturday, April 11, 2009

soy milk

Last Tuesday I finished off my soy milk.

I've had a strange love for soy milk that I cannot explain. I like the taste of it, for some reason. Erin is lactose intolerant, so she generally has soy milk in her fridge. I would delight in the occasions when she would pour me a glass. Then I remembered, hell, I make my own grocery store decisions, why don't I have it in my fridge too?

I never did drink enough milk, because there's something difficult about it, for me. Still, I would actually eat cake or cookies to make myself want to drink milk because I know I need the calcium. And things like cake, cookies, poptarts, etc. always need a glass of milk beside.

So I bought myself some soy milk. And the next time I went shopping, I didn't. But maybe I will next time, because it's strangely delicious and has a slightly weird texture that I like.

I eat whole carrots as a side now, too. That's kind of another Erin thing I picked up.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh soy milk makes my stomach hurt. I think i'm soy milk intolerant. But thats fine I go through a half gallon of milk almost every week. Go for yogurt on the calcium hunt :)
